Comparing Two of My Blog Analysis

Hello again everyone!
I listened to my reviewers and wanted to say I added quotation marks to make it easier for my bloggers to read my quotes and fix some grammatical errors.
I felt like it was best for me to paraphrase and not overuse my quotes. I did not want to overly rely on them as a way to cheat and win the assignment so I kept my blog the same. I felt that keep it simple in the end would be more beneficial for my readers to comprehend.
For this project, I felt it was a good idea for me to reread She’s a Flight Risk and The Sick Land. After rereading both narratives. I feel in comparison they both have a strong literary technique in common. Though their experiences are different, they both share their narratives, in their own point of view.
Point of View is what we’re going to be talking about today. They both tell their own point of views in the narratives. The sick land uses a direct narrative. Our hero Alex Case writes a journal that’s is completely honest and holds back nothing. While Our heroine Isabella Valeri, She’s a Flight Risk, tells her narrative in a mysterious dramatic way by dropping her reader's hints.
Let’s talk about the Sick Land’s plot and theme first. Alex Case a researcher, writes about what is going on in his situation at the research facility. He writes about the Mal and his study of it. (Alex Cross Tuesday, 19 March 2013) "We mal taxonomists work on the assumption that The Sick Land is a problem, governed by the laws that are comprehensible to humans. In that sense, we’re like all other mal researches. However, they only make claims about small, local domains".  Basically, he is trying to understand the Mal and what rules it follows. He works hard to find, understand the Mal and goes through many trials. Regrettably, in the end, his situation goes from bad to worse and we are left to assume our hero dies.
In She’s a Flight Risk our heroine Isabella Valeri, talks about her point of view of going invisible. She becomes an international fugitive and uses her blog as an outlet. (Isabella Valeri March 20th, 2003) "It feels stupid and careless to keep a weblog, but it feels smart too. It’s a release for the much more dangerous temptation to pick up the phone and call someone I once knew". She hopes that she can use this blog, to make things easier from her transformation to someone that she once was to someone that she is now. As a reader of her blog, you can only imagine what is going in her head and the struggles she faces.
Both narratives provide a story. Both stories provide the first-person point of view, the accounts of what they are both going through in their situation. She’s a Flight Risk is Dramatic and mysterious. The Sick Land is a story of hopefulness turned to dread. Though these stories are works of fiction, both blogs draw you in and make you want to continue to see through it all. Though different, they both provide intriguing elements to the reader.
We all have different taste and favorite Genres in what we like to read. Ultimately, we have found two stories from two different people, that tell their struggles. Some may be interested in a tale of mystery. Others may like a tale of dread and foreboding. So, let me ask you guys a question. Do you feel I have explained myself well? Would you agree both narratives provide a compelling literary term of the point of view?
I think so.
Works Cited: The Sick Land, The Diary of Alex Case, Researcher
Flight (She’s a flight risk). Isabella Valeri, Fugitive


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